28 May, 2009

Veuillez m'excuser - je m'occupe!

So busy - piano-playing for money at Jewish school, a job application due before this weekend, a growing To-Do list of ends to be neatly tied up before my departure.

But I will continue to "rendre graces" [give thanks] for more friends soon!

Si Dieu le veut.

Under 30 days left..!!

18 May, 2009

Je rends grâces pour vous (court)

Thank God for absolutely EVERYONE who laughed at my little gag yesterday:

"40 days in the wilderness, then I'm off to the Promised Land."

Or is it 40 more days being tempted by the accuser?

No, seriously - thanks for laughing. You are a fabulous audience!! I wouldn't be this funny without you!

(I digress. More thanksgiving about the people in the church-of-my-heart, to be made available soon on this blog.)

Maintenant, il y aura trente-neuf (39) jours avant de voyager en France!!

15 May, 2009

CCC Milson's Point (église bien-aimée): Je rends grâces pour vous#3

42 days (6 weeks) to go!

Can't wait!

And yet, so many things to do, so many thanks to give.. .. ..

A DEDICATION to all my friends from the Chinese Christian Church Milson’s Point community:

You were the church of my childhood, and you remain the church of my heart. I deeply regret that I have not felt able to spend as many Sundays with you in the last 13 months as I have wished.

But what being away from you has made me realise, is that there are so very many people I love and appreciate in this church. The sheer number of sisters & brothers I know at CCC means I often only get to catch up with you once a year!

Yet I THANK God for your personal & individual encouragement to me over the years I have known you, whenever we have had opportunity.

What follows is an attempt to honour as many of you as I can call to mind (& hope you’re resilient enough not to be hurt if I inadvertently forget to mention you).

Important Notes.
The 2006-2009 Bible Study groups I’ve been involved in are acknowledged FIRST. Next, you’ll find everyone else from the CCC community who have been helpful friends to me at one time or more, in word or deed.

All first names are initials-only, as if alphabetically ordered; in the case of married couples, the wife’s name precedes the husband’s one. I have then placed your surnames first, for added mirth on my part!

For those I have not had the privilege of studying the Bible with:
To find your name & any message I have left you, pay attention to the order given; those who with me share in the freedom, er, I mean the unmarried, categories, have been listed first.

My married friends are then acknowledged. Whom I try to pray for, but probably not often enough as I suspect you need!!

Do look around for any message addressed to you, though - I do want you to know how very thankful I am that God put you in my life!

Have fun hunting your name in the brouhaha. (*giggle*)

Bible Study group, 2009:
I’m thankful to God for the fellowship we can share, for the deep intellectual discussions over Scripture, for the love especially among the sisters of the group.

Also am I thankful for your tolerance & patience with my babel-fish English translations of French Bible passages (and for supporting my preparation for Paris mission in this way)!!

For the willingness & perseverance of the group, especially those I know least well, in padding along every week.

For the forbearance of all of you, in spite of our diversity of personalities & learning styles.

And now, a few personal comments & Bible verses for you:

*CHONG, H. & G. ..We grew up together; it’s been great to stick around so long with you, to share in the good fight of the faith for so long. May it continue! EPHESIANS 6:9-10

*LIM, J. ..I’ve been so encouraged by your openness & consideration throughout the year so far. I always look forward to our car trips because of the gracious and well-seasoned conversations you so often lead us into. COLOSSIANS 1:3-4

*LING, J. ..Your ongoing hospitality, generosity & eagerness to serve never fail to lift my spirits - they are a testimony to the work of God in your life and it’s such a blessing. 1 THESSALONIANS 5:23-24

*LEE, J. & M. ..It is a thrill to see your thirst for deeper knowledge of God & His Word, reflected in the questions you’re always asking during study time - even when they’re not easy ones to ask or be answered! EPHESIANS 1:17

*ZHU, R./WOO, S. ..Still don’t know you all that well, but I appreciate, Richard, your commitment to the group; & am so thankful, Stephen, for your generous transport attitude! PHILIPPIANS 4:19

*CHOI, S. & E. ..It has been heartening to see your endurance in Christian faith during these recent times of uncertainty & insecurity. I’m thankful also for the hard work you do to keep the group up & running - in preparation, hosting, administration, general service to us. 2 THESSALONIANS 2:16-17

*LI, S. & R. ..In the many years we’ve been acquainted, God has so graciously blessed our friendship. May He continue to bless you, remind you of His love & care, bring delight to you in knowing Him & give you the desires of your hearts. You know me too well to assume I’m saying any of this glibly; you know what I’ve had to cope with - & so, for you, I leave one of my most personal Bible verses. 2 CORINTHIANS 4:17-18

In moments of calm reason like this - looking back over friends like these that God has given me - how could I not be sure how much He loves me?

Thank you God for these fantastic Christian sisters & brothers, for Your gracious & loving provision of them in my life!

Thanksgiving still to be posted for:
~ "draquila"
(Bible Study group, 2008)

~ "da Artarmon housegroup"
(Bible Study group, 2006 & ’07)

~ Missionary Committee/mission-minded friends

~ Numerous random friends - unmarried & married

And that’s just CCC Milson’s Point.

It’s not over yet.. .. ..nowhere near it!!

11 May, 2009

Une prière très belle

Not sure why I bookmarked this blog of someone I don't know. There must have been some interesting article on it somewhere.


But on it, I found this lovely prayer, quoted apparently from the BCP:

"O Merciful God, who hast made all men, and hatest nothing that thou hast made, nor wouldest the death of a sinner, but rather that he should be converted and live:
Have mercy upon all Jews, Turks, Infidels, and Hereticks, and take from them all ignorance, hardness of heart, and contempt of thy word;
and so fetch them home, blessed Lord, to thy flock, that they may be saved among the remnant of the true Israelites, and be made one fold under one shepherd, Jesus Christ our Lord, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Spirit, one God, world without end. Amen.

Somewhat archaic in language but beautiful in content. I'll definitely use this one!

10 May, 2009

Un troupeau des jeunes

It has been 4 years since I said goodbye to a flock of 109 young rams, whom I shepherded for just one term.

Of that flock, 2 are Christians who are involved in churches/youth groups on a regular basis.

Attended a rock concert tonight where many of them performed (I'm not into rock, just so you know!), and left with feelings of nostalgia for what once was, and will never be again.

Sometimes you just wish time could stand still.

That the happiest or most interesting days of our human existence don't have to end so soon.

That little ones don't grow up so fast!

I remember when most of them were shorter than me.. .. ..but not anymore.

Well, as long as they are found in Christ alone on that last and greatest Day, I don't mind.. .. ..too much, anyway!

08 May, 2009

Choses à faire

7 weeks (plus 3 hours) from now, I'm flying far, far away!

Am starting to be quite eager to be away. Looking forward to distancing myself from Australian life, battling face-to-face with French life (and French language), and finding out what could be the next step on returning to Sydney...

But so many things to do!

In random order:

1. Submit job applications.
Finally, there are a couple of jobs I can apply for..
...but the competition is pretty stiff, in light of the GFC. I'll do what I can, but it would take divine miraculous intervention for me to win either of these two jobs over the hundreds of other applicants (all survivors-of-GFC-related-redundancy, like me). That said, I know my Dayspring friends believe in this kind of miracle. Let me know if you prayed for it!

2. Sort and tidy masses of accumulated paperwork from 6 years of teaching (and Sunday School).
Enough said!!!!!

3. Finish posting my thank-God-for-you messages on the blog!
The "Just-In-Case-Something-Happens-And-I-Never-Return-To-Australian-Shores" thanksgiving list. Next in line in my appreciation queue are the many regulars from the church-of-my-heart, Chinese Christian Church, Milson's Point.

4. Make a few more comments on Jean/John Calvin.

5. Organise general travel stuff.. .. ..

6. Write out legible copies of the following pipeline songs, possibly attempting to get Isaac Wong to help record them:

Precious in His sight
Why He had to die

(Warning - 2 of these songs have been in the pipeline since 2005, so progress is pretty slow!)

49 days and counting.

05 May, 2009

Pourrais-je dormir?

This is hysterical.

My first day in Paris, 27th June (Sat.), I will arrive at Charles de Gaulle Int'l. 13h (1PM) French time, after nearly 23 hours in the air.

As I'm going economy, I don't expect to have gotten much sleep in those 23 hours.

Our first mission team meeting will be around 17h (5PM) that same day...here's a direct quote, which I have translated for you!

"Pour samedi le 27 juin. On prévient l'accueil entre 17 et 18h, pour commencer une soirée légère à 18h avec toute l'équipe."

For Saturday 27/6. Welcoming [of team members] is anticipated between 5PM & 6PM. to begin a light evening at 6PM with all the team.

In other words, 23+4 hours after leaving Sydney, and around a total of 34 hours since last placing head on a horizontal pillow, I get to register properly and meet my fellow team members.

Does anyone have an experience of a team-meeting like this one, that you attended after straight 33 hours of sleep deprivation, to share? I'd love to hear every possible tip that might help me get through this first meeting awake (on that day in June)!

52 days to work this one out!!

04 May, 2009

Jean Calvin ressemble-t-il moi?

One of my principal weaknesses, one of the greatest hindrances in accelerated Christian growth over the years, is a difficulty with controlling my temper.

Seems like Calvin shared this difficulty, on occasion! In the little book I'm re-reading, 2 instances are mentioned where he lost his temper at people he was in theological arguments with.

Now I am NOT saying that kind of behaviour is acceptable for either the old French reformer or myself! But it is somewhat comforting to know that despite his failings, God used Calvin anyway.. .. ..

Je me demande:
What will He do with me?

03 May, 2009

La Reformation et Jean Cauvin (Calvin)

I'm not a church history expert, but I've been reading a little book about John Calvin, "Man of Geneva". I can promise you, as a result, that there will be at least one more French history lesson (good grief, I sound like such a teacher.. .. ..oh, wait, I already am one!). I hope to make some comments (avant de partir/before leaving) about the impact of La Reformation en France. Why the city of Strasbourg is différente, par exemple. And possibly where the city of Strasbourg actually is. Among other not-so-random vignettes.

Planning to post something on Calvin this week.


01 May, 2009

Mes cousins/tantes/oncles: Je rends grâces pour vous#2

Maternal relatives:

As I look back on my early years, I know that the happiest times of my childhood were spent with you, my cousins of the noble house of Lee. Oh what fun we had! At family houses, at restaurants, us girls taking turns to wear the Lee "heirloom" dress, getting Pohpoh across the road to Mandarin Club before the traffic lights went green, watching our parents try to dissuade Pohpoh from giving too generously.. .. ..and the meals, what meals! Pavlovas, smoked salmon and prawns, potato salads and noodle salads - I thank God for all that goodness, the mirth, the merriment, the memories.

(Chrétiens: Eleanor & Ken, Norman & Becky, Greta, Mark et Annabelle)
To the cousins who are not only my closest relatives but share my everlasting hope in the death, resurrection and reign of our Lord Jesus - it gives me great joy to know of your faith in Him. Greater joy still that, even though we haven't been together that much since Pohpoh died, we will be in glory together on the last Day. Truly our citizenship is in heaven; may all of you continue to await from there Jesus our Saviour. (PHIL. 3:20)

{Pas chrétiens: Michael, Peter, Karina & Perin)
To my younger cousins - I am thankful to God for the recent chances we've had to see each other more often. K. & P., I have especially loved talking the dance side of rhythmic gymnastics with you. For all four of you, I pray that God will continue to preserve your lives, and that you might one day hope in Him also.

To the Lees of my mother's generation - her brothers and their wives:
I thank God for your input in my life since my birth, your concern, support, and ongoing interest in me and my welfare. You have been like a community of parents to me, especially in the years where Mum brought us up on her own. Growing up with you around, even in the tough times, has enriched my life. I have so appreciated all your care - including, of course my uncles' medical care as my doctors, so often at very short notice!

(Chrétiens: Aunties C. & J., Uncles D. & S.)
God has so graciously also used you to encourage me in my Christian walk. Auntie J., thank you for the times you made yourself available to ask how things were going at times when mum wasn't around, for taking us into your home in that long-ago time when the house had flooded and it seemed life was falling apart, and for your advice on matters of mission, ministry and the heart. Auntie C., thank you for your many contributions over the years to my musical development - for your critical ears and skills that have helped me pass my music exams AND made me a much better musician and performer than I could have ever been if left alone. I look back on my achievements in music throughout my life and I thank God for the part you played - as, funnily enough, I played to you!

{Pas chrétiens: Auntie K. & Uncle K.)
I'm so thankful for the many times you hosted us on the Central Coast, even though it must have been a huge task managing all of us; for your hospitality, your delicious food (those curries!), and more recently, esp. Auntie K.'s information feeds on dealing with unemployment and getting casual teaching work. I've still got all those useful numbers and contacts you gave me! May God show you even more mercy and kindness as you have shown to me all the years of my life.

Paternal relatives
{Ma-ma, Uncle H. & Auntie S.H., Auntie H., Rob and the boys}
I thank God for your input in my life - esp. to Uncle H. & Auntie S.H., who have done so much for us, Hudson's 3 girls. I want you to know that all those little financial gifts, given over time, have always made a difference - you have been one way in which God has worked to help provide for the little needs of life, and I'm so thankful for you. I rejoice also in your faith in God, in times which I know have not been easy for you - and know that one day, many of us will rejoice together before the throne of God above.

{Voyage en France: Just under 56 days to go!)

Famille/meilleurs amis: Je rends grâces pour vous#1

*À ma mère (Cheng, L.A.)
Where to begin?
There are so few blessings in the world that God has not provided through you.
I love you and I wish I loved you more than I do, and gave you the credit due to you.
You have loved me unconditionally my whole life long.
You have sacrificed so much for me and been a consistent model of the love of God in Jesus Christ for me.
You have always been there, through everything, always protecting, trusting, hoping and persevering.
You have tried to raise me in the fear and knowledge of the Lord Jesus, and God has graciously enabled you to succeed.
You have endured so much in your life and for me and my sisters, and yet your faith is unshaken.
You have always listened to me and I only wish I'd inherited your superlative listening skills!
You have always wanted God's best for me and supported me in all I have been able to achieve through Him.
I thank God for such an invaluable relationship - that of being your daughter. You are the very best mother God could ever have made.
As I have sung for you before, so I continue this song:
That when the heavens and earth are gone, I pray that you'll stand in His day. [Lyrics: L. Tsi-Tje Cheng©2003]

*Ma sœur jumelle (Cheng, L.W.T.)
You are precious in God's sight and in mine, and honoured, and God loves you, and so do I. (ISAIAH 43:4)
We have been together from the time of our conception ever since.
In so many ways that you will not acknowledge, you are my better half.
There is no-one in all creation apart from our heavenly Father who knows me as well as you do.
We have laughed and cried and prayed together so often, struggled together through the daily grind of putting to death our earthly natures, and we continue fighting that good fight to this day.
For all of my life you have been there for me, and I thank God so much for your almost total and complete understanding & support of me.
O that you would ever remember the atoning sacrifice of Christ, in which God demonstrated His great love for us - and never doubt that love He has for you and me both.
I thank God for all He has done in you, and for all that He is yet to do - and how much we both know and hope eagerly for our future of citizenship in heaven! Stay confident of this, the living and unfailing promise of God, that He who began a good work in us will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

*Ma sœur aîné (Cheng, S.S.L.)
You have been not only an ideal sister but a Christian sister as well.
You were always there, always part of my life, and more recently have walked with me so patiently in my Christian life.
I thank God for your love, your loyalty - especially when we were small - and your listening ears in recent times.
You have backed me, defended me, shaken foolishness out of me (or at least tried) when I needed it, and given me more broad and different ways of viewing the world than I could have conceived on my own.
Your counsel in a variety of situations and the love and concern driving it are of profound value to me.
Your determination not to give up on your faith, your writing or yourself has been a great encouragement to me and I pray that you might continue to persevere.
"Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart." (PSALM 37:4)

*Mon beau-frère le plus cadet (Lin, J.)
Jeremy, it has been a delight to watch you grow (from being that runaround toddler who never used to sit still enough to be fed!!) and commit yourself to Christ.
I thank God for His mercy to you, and so much appreciated your support in those times you've found me when I was down.
May you ever rely on God's strength, loving all those He calls you to love because He first loved you.
May you continue to live in Christ Jesus our Lord, just as you received Him, being rooted & built up in Him, strengthened in your faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. (COL. 2:6-7)

*Mon beau-frère le moins cadet (Lin, A.)
Anthony, I thank God that we've always gotten along well, and for the growth I've seen in you.
I have valued your moments of helpfulness and willingness to engage in thoughtful dscussions.
I am also thankful for your generosity and creativity - esp. the culinary creations!
May God bless you and keep you; make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; turn his face toward you and give you peace. (NUM. 6:24-26)

*Mon beau-père (Lin, V.A.)
Uncle Victor, in the last 7 years you have shown all the love and support that God intended for fathers to show their own children. I thank God my heavenly Father that you are my step-father; I can't imagine any better choice He could have allowed.
You have cared and fussed and provided and rebuked and admonished and listened as so many earthly fathers just don't do, and I know that just like my mother you want God's best for me (even though I'm often stubborn and resistant).
I appreciate your tireless involvement and interest in my life and future, and pray the same for you as for my mother.
HEBREWS 12:2-3.

*Mon père (Cheng, J.H.)
Dad, you have always tried to listen and give helpful and wise counsel to me.
I wish you could have been around more while I was growing up; things might have been so different. And yet we both know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose. (ROM. 8:28)
I thank God that He has kept hold of you, and that through Him you threw your support behind me when my face was towards Tanzania in 2006 - your letting go was of tremendous value to me.
May God supply your every need according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus. (PHIL. 4:19)

To some of my best friends, thanks be to God for your friendship:

*Mok, L.P.Y.
To this day, dearest 'Onie, I can still hear your gorgeously rare laugh bubble through my ears. As sisters in Christ with the additional perk of being second-cousins-by-marriage, it has been a huge blessing knowing you, meeting so often with you to talk and read God's Word together and pray for each other.
Continue as ever to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power! (EPH. 6:11)

*Soo, C. (now Chin, C.)
Dearest Chris, I know our lives have taken us in different directions in recent times, but your encouragement and faithfulness to me in the early part of this century can never be forgotten. I always appreciated your insights, your consideration, your perseverance and your open affection, and I miss the times when we talked and studied and shared and prayed together.
Through all that life has still to offer you, whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (COL. 3:17)

*Chan, S.L.W.
Captain Chan, we've marched through Sunday School, high school and uni. days side by side. Without God's provision of your occasional steadying words and kind deeds in the last 10 years, I don't know whether I'd have survived! I thank God for your unique military outlook and perspectives, for the lessons I've learned through hearing about your experiences and recommendations.
You then, my brother, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.. ..enduring any and every hardship like the good soldier of Christ Jesus that you are! (2 TIM. 2:1, 2:3)

*Kritsotakis, S.
Simon, nous avons travaillés ensemble at the Alliance Française, in the HSC and through undergraduate French and psychology. We can thank God simply that we got out alive!!
And who could have known that God would give me a friend like you of such great value in all that time? So often since our teenage years, you have understood, listened, counselled, talked me back from the edge of insanity - and stuck with me through thick and thin. God's Word speaks of a friend who is closer than a brother (PROVERBS 18:24) - and you are that very friend! The only sadness I have is that I don't know, on that last great and glorious Day, when Jesus Christ my Saviour and my Lord, my very heart's desire comes in glory, si tu resteras avec moi en ce jour.
O that my God would do His best for you!

To these people, my nearest and dearest
- I know God is such a great and loving God, because..
...He so richly blessed me with knowing you!

Je rends grâces à mon Dieu pour vous

As you follow the blog in the next 2 months, you will see a post occasionally titled JE RENDS GRÂCES A DIEU POUR VOUS.

Simply translated, this means, "I give thanks to God for you."

Virtually everyone who visits this blog is someone I have:
a) known
b) loved
c) worked with
d) studied the Bible or "churched" with
e) had meaningful conversations with
f) various combinations of, if not all of, (a) to (e).

And life.. .. ..well, it's transient. Fleeting. One minute you have it, the next it's gone.

I thought, what if I go overseas, something tragic happens, and I never return alive?
Or what if something happens so that I don't live to go overseas at all?
What if this were the last year I live?

And now, I hear YOU think, why is she being so morbid? Why is she talking like this?

Get real, people, get rid of this assumption that we're all going to live to a ripe old age.

Says JAMES, the brother of our Lord Jesus Christ (or so I understand):
"Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring.
What is your life?
For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.
Instead you ought to say,
'If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that'."
(ch.4, verses 14-15)

Says ISAIAH, my favourite prophet:
"All flesh is grass, and all its beauty is like the flower of the field.
The grass withers, the flower fades when the breath of the LORD blows on it;
surely the people are grass.
The grass withers, the flower fades,
but the word of our God will stand forever."

So, if this were my last year to be alive - I'd want to make sure YOU all knew, collectively and individually, how much I have appreciated God's placing every single one of you in my life. (Imagine I was never able to tell you, because I died before I could say thanks!)

I hope to post these "thank God for you" messages in the following order:

1. Famille/FAMILY
2. Amis/FRIENDS - the closest ones
4. Amis/FRIENDS - CCC Milson's Pt. COMMUNITY
5. Amis/FRIENDS - CATHEDRAL COMMUNITY (acknowledging your children as well, if they know me)
6. Amis/FRIENDS - mission-minded ones, & missionary committee at CCC
7. Filles d'ACES/ACES girls (and maybe some EUers, too)
8. Amis - autres/FRIENDS - other
9. Anyone I forgot about!!!!!

Keep an eye out for the appreciation message that mentions YOU. Because if anything does happen to me, I just want you to know how thankful I am for your input.