08 May, 2009

Choses à faire

7 weeks (plus 3 hours) from now, I'm flying far, far away!

Am starting to be quite eager to be away. Looking forward to distancing myself from Australian life, battling face-to-face with French life (and French language), and finding out what could be the next step on returning to Sydney...

But so many things to do!

In random order:

1. Submit job applications.
Finally, there are a couple of jobs I can apply for..
...but the competition is pretty stiff, in light of the GFC. I'll do what I can, but it would take divine miraculous intervention for me to win either of these two jobs over the hundreds of other applicants (all survivors-of-GFC-related-redundancy, like me). That said, I know my Dayspring friends believe in this kind of miracle. Let me know if you prayed for it!

2. Sort and tidy masses of accumulated paperwork from 6 years of teaching (and Sunday School).
Enough said!!!!!

3. Finish posting my thank-God-for-you messages on the blog!
The "Just-In-Case-Something-Happens-And-I-Never-Return-To-Australian-Shores" thanksgiving list. Next in line in my appreciation queue are the many regulars from the church-of-my-heart, Chinese Christian Church, Milson's Point.

4. Make a few more comments on Jean/John Calvin.

5. Organise general travel stuff.. .. ..

6. Write out legible copies of the following pipeline songs, possibly attempting to get Isaac Wong to help record them:

Precious in His sight
Why He had to die

(Warning - 2 of these songs have been in the pipeline since 2005, so progress is pretty slow!)

49 days and counting.

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