27 November, 2009

Matthieu, le publicain, l'apôtre et l'écrivain (2e partie)

Here are my notes on MATTHEW 24 and 25.

Matthew records what Jesus says on a number of topics:

~ the temple

~ the end times (when) & the symptoms of those times
incl. the gospel being preached - ch.24, v.14

~ the actual event of the end times
incl. God's angels gathering His chosen ones

~ the end times (uncertainty of the exact day/hour)

~ the choices of the Master's servants,
to be faithful/wise or wicked/violent/drunk

~ parable of 10 virgins, illustrating wise & foolish approaches to waiting on the Master's arrival

~ parable of three servants entrusted with the property (talents) of the Master, illustrating that those who increase what He entrusts to them are good/faithful, while those who hide and do not put to work their Master's property are wicked/lazy [=slothful]

~ parable of the "sheep", who sought to help the least of their King's brothers; and the "goats", who did nothing for the least
I mention this because every now and then some Christian person of my parents' generation tells me that I should make more use of my "talents".

By which they mean things like my musical ability/training or my French language proficiency (not my teaching skill, as that's always being put to work).

I would like to propose that the Parable Of The Talents (as it is often called), is not ultimately about God giving us gifts and talents and us being wicked and lazy if we don't make every effort to subsequently develop and use these.

From my close reading of the passage, I do Not believe that God is telling me to keep up with my music and join the music ministry at my evening (or perhaps even my morning) church. Or that He is telling me I am wicked and lazy just because, between 2003 and 2009, I barely used my gift of French language at all.

I have more to say about what I think Matthew meant here in the context, but I'm going to have to leave things for the moment and get back on this hobby-horse next week (earliest - 2nd Dec.; latest - 5th Dec.). Paid work and Sunday School are quite demanding of my time at present.



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