30 April, 2010

Le fils de Zébédée - 17e, 18e et 19e chapitres

In many ways these three chapters are (collectively) more straightforward than the previous ones.

Chapter 17 of the gospel of John records the prayer & priority of Jesus prior to His arrest, trial, crucifixion, death & resurrection.

Chapters 18-19, by comparison, are mostly narrative, giving attention to what happens to Jesus rather than focusing on His teachings or sayings.

..Anyone know the tune of new-ish song "O the deep, deep love of Jesus"..? Hum along, then..

O the living Words of Jesus,
Far surpassing all the rest,
They are lifelines, they are comforts
In your times of ease or test
O the living Words,
All I need to hear
Are the living Words of Jesus.

©MLTC, Friday 30th April 2010

Now, to my usual study focus..

What does the 17th chapter of John's gospel seem to be telling us about
how to know God?

~ To know God is equated with glorifying Him(1),
seeing the glory(24) of Father & Son;
knowing Him is also the essence of eternal life(2-3)

~ It is also equated with knowing Jesus, whom God sent(3,
vv.8, 18, 21 and v.25);
conversely, Jesus reveals God to us by name(6)
{ie. He makes God known to us(26)};
& He keeps us safe by His Name(12).
Jesus is with those who believe in Him(12) & He is in them(26), His love in them

~ And we know God by His Word(6)
that He gave through Jesus(8, also v.13-14);
in the same way, by believing Jesus through that same Word (message, v.20) given through the disciples who were with Jesus during His ministry

~ In addition to this, we can know Him because He sanctifies us by His truth(17-19).

What does this same chapter of John's gospel seem to be telling us about
(i) ..what God wills/wants is for us?
(ii) ..how we can know His will?

~ A re-iteration of the famous verse, 3:16..
..in that, God wants for us to have eternal life by knowing Him, the Father
& knowing Jesus Christ the Son whom He sent(2-3)

~ He also desires our obedience(6) to & acceptance(8) of His Word,
& that we know that all He has given Jesus comes from Him;
Jesus is His ultimate representative(7-8)

~ For us who believe to be as one is also high priority for God the Son;
Jesus wants His disciples to be united(11-12; also v.22-23), which is why He prays that they be protected, kept safe & not lost
- esp. protected from the evil one(15) whilst remaining in the world.

He wants His love to be in them & in all who will believe in Him(26);
& another reason for His desire that His disciples be one
is in order that the world may believe Jesus was sent by God(23).

~ Jesus also shows us His desire that His disciples be sanctified by the truth(17-19);
that we be with Him where He is & we see His glory(24)
..[this sounds very much like ch.14, verse 3]

Knowing God has to do with knowing Jesus
- believing in Him, & in His Words;
because He sanctifies us through by the truths about Him.

It also involves glorifying Him (seeking His glory);
and to know Him in these ways means that we can have eternal life.

Knowing what God wills or wants for us is entailed in
obeying & accepting His Words, as given through Jesus & Jesus' disciples (such as John Zebedee himself);
He wants us to be sure that Jesus is from Him, was sent by Him (as repeated so often in the gospel of John so far);
He wants unity among all those who have believed in Him,
& belief for those who have NOT
- and ultimately, He wants us to be with Him in glory.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

{Disclaimer - or whateveryoucallit!!}
Once again (in case any of what I've been blogging about
re:John's gospel account has made you worry about me),
I must remind any who have been looking at these notes on John 1-17 of the following:

I am but a fallen human being.

My findings are by no means comprehensive or definitive;
at the same time, since the Word of God is living, acive & powerful,
I would like to hope that I'm not completely off the mark, in terms of what I have been discovering during my readings of this part of Scripture.

And where I am in error, I earnestly hope - and expect - that my Father will open my eyes to this; that He will keep me humble, contrite & trembling at His Word.

Until then - read anything I have written with careful discernment. Thanks!


{P.S. Upcoming reflections - on chapters 18 & 19.}

27 April, 2010

Un an - hier!

This blog is officially 1 year and 1 day old. *blowing paper trumpet*

When it was engendered, I called it my "going-on-mission blog". But, as one of my favourite Terry Pratchett novel quotes goes:
"We've all passed a lot of water since then."

(No, that was not a typing or thinking error!)

One thing that hasn't changed, is that the blog still reflects and is tracking my journey into Paris - from when I first visited in June '09, & departed regretfully in July - then retraced my steps back into it & out again during September '09..

..to the present moment.

Oh, the journey's not over.
In many ways it has become a great & ongoing adventure.

> Through personal sorrow and disappointment, then out the other side - not ending in worldly happiness or satisfaction, but in a deeper thirst for my Father & what He wills for my life.

>> Through the kindled fires of OSCC** mission enthusiasm - the dampening winds of doubt - the sharp light of financial restrictions juxtaposed with the softer, warmer rays of hope in God's holy power to do whatever He wants regardless of how humanly impossible a situation may be.

{Only slight fluffiness in these lyrics.
Enjoy them - they're from an old hymn.}

Every step is getting brighter
As the golden stairs I climb;
Every burden's getting lighter,
Every cloud is silver-lined.
There the sun is always shining,
There no tear will dim the eye;
At the ending of the rainbow
Where the mountains touch the sky.

Many things about tomorrow,
I don't seem to understand;
But I know Who holds tomorrow,
And I know Who holds my hand.

HERE is the source of the lyrics,
by Ira Stanphill.

C'est vraiment formidable.
Béni soit le nom glorieux du Seigneur.


Click here if you need to know what OSCC stands for.

Où se trouve le capitaine?

A couple of months ago, one of my longest-standing friends, a Singapore army captain, sent word to us that he was going to be "overseas on a military exercise".

He should be returned by now - but - calling Captain Chan?

Send more word if you happen to be alive.
And if alive, hope all is well with your soul.

Speaking of long-lost but valued friends I haven't seen in a while..


You are now only 1 year younger than Jesus was when He died!



Le fils de Zébédée - ch.15-16 (II)

In my previous post, Theophilus - er, sorry, I meant "idle internet-dwelling readers" - I made some comments on chapters 15 and 16 of the gospel written down by John Zebedee, regarding how it is possible to know God.

Now I seek to note down what I have been learning
in light of the 2nd question raised:

2. How to know God's will
- what He wants for us?


JOHN 15-16
Jesus, God the Son has so much that He wants for us here..

A. Remaining/abiding** in Him (the vine, 15:4-7 & inferred in 16:1), & bearing much fruit
(15:2, 15:4-5, 15:8 and 15:16) - fruit that will last.
** The word "abide" turns up 7 times in 4 verses.
Jesus obviously wants us to understand how important it is that we abide in Him. Probably because we are so prone NOT to..!
.. & by remaining in Him, with His Words remaining in us,
we can request (ask) the Father in His name (15:7 and 15:16; also 16:23-26).
Abiding in Jesus (& thus knowing Him) is about communication
- a relationship involving talking & listening -
& the latter, with obedience to God's commands (15:10 and 15:14), as well as remembering His Words to us (16:4).

B. Glorifying God, abiding in His love,
& ending by rejoicing in Him (15:8-10; verse 22 of ch.16)
- if we are His disciples;
loving not only Him, but loving others just as He loved us
(15:12-13 and 15:17; verse 27 of ch. 16),
desiring the preservation of life for His people (not their death, 16:2-3)

C. Testifying about Jesus,
that is to say, bearing witness to Him (15:26-27)

D. Believing in who Jesus is
(& that the Father sent Him - 16:9 & 16:27

How to know God's will?
~ by His Words & commands given through the Son, (& the Spirit's reminders)

..what God wants for us:
~ Glorifying Him;
treating the Son for Who He really is;
believing in Him;
& remaining (=abiding) in all that He is, & all that He has said.

{All ideas drawn from JOHN 15-16, as well as from all preceding chapters.}


26 April, 2010

Le fils de Zébédée - ch.15-16 (I)

As I have skipped happily back and forth through the account of Jesus' life & ministry on earth, as written by John the apostle (the son of Zebedee), I have continuously used the following questions as study points:

1. How to know God [i.e. personally]?

2. How to know God's will
- what He wants for us?

JEAN 15 et 16
Knowing God
- as our Lord Jesus seems to have made abundantly clear
(on numerous occasions so far) -
is all about..

..Him speaking words to us - & to others
(15:3, 15:7, 15:20).
Jesus tells/says many things to His disciples
(15:11; & also look at ch.16, verses 1, 4, 6-7, 11 and 25).
By His words He makes things known (15:15) to those with Him (apostles/disciples).
The Spirit Jesus has promised does this also - making known what the Father intends (16:13-15).

...God's love for us, AND His choosing us
(Loved ~ 15:9 and 15:12-13; 16:27)
(Chose ~ 15:16 and 15:19)
- a love that sent Jesus to our world to save us (cf. 3:16), & a choice that we had no part in

....the Father's sending of the Son & the Holy Spirit
that people could know Him personally
(15:21 and 15:25; also 16:5 and 16:7)
- esp. the role of the Spirit, in..
> >convicting hearts of guilt (16:8-11)
>> >guiding God's chosen & loved ones (us who believe!!) into all truth (16:13), AND
>>> >glorifying Jesus Christ the Son (16:14)

.....God as the carer (gardener in NIV, or vinedresser in ESV)
of all whom He chose to go & bear lasting fruit to His glory,
e.g. pruning those who need it (15:1-2)

......God with us, as the Son was with the Father,
& knowing all that we think & feel (16:19-32)
- the emphasis again on God knowing us (wanting to know us, & making this possible); also, answering what we ask Him
- ON that day of joy where we see Jesus again (16:22-24)

.......God the Son (Jesus, of course) who has overcome the world (16:33),
that we may have peace & take heart in tribulation (rendered "trouble" in NIV)

We know a God who wants us to know Him. Such that He's done so much in an effort to draw us nearer to Himself.

How do we know God?

One main reason this is possible (according to John Zebedee's records here) is because of God's work that we may know Him.
Not our work.
Nor our effort.
Nor even our own initiative. (!!)

{Upcoming - my answers to Q.2, based on the 15th and 16th chapters.
That is, when/where God allows a door to be opened for such blog postings in the next twenty,
yes 20, hours..}


24 April, 2010

Le fils de Zébédée - chapitres 13 et 14

Marathon time!

(Owing to likely commencement of work from 28th Apr. onwards.)

It really is remarkable how, once you start tracking an idea or word group through one Bible book, it just keeps turning up. Or, in the case of my longsuffering apostle friend, once you track several..it's like panning for specks of gold that just keep turning up!

JEAN 13 et 14
Have had a quick look back over my notes & summaries already posted here, & there is not much new under the sun.

This section of the gospel according to John Zebedee is interesting because the emphasis on how to know God seems so strong on the Godward side. That is, so much of knowing God (here) has to do with God taking the initiative. In short, it is possible to know God just because HE wanted us to know Him.

So that we may know Him, GOD acts:
* out of His love for us
(13:1 and 14:21-23)

* in order to cleanse us that we may have share/part in Him
(13:8, 9 & 10 - the footwashing incident)

* in humility - as Jesus serves His followers
(13:5 onwards)

* by sending His Son, the Spirit (of truth), & others
(13:20, 14:16-24)
=> with the Son being sent as the way to God, the Father
(14:6, cha-cha!^)

* by speaking - in the person of the Son He sent, to the ones he chose
(13:19 and 14:10-11; also verses 24-25 of ch.14)

* by coming back to us after going away,
that we may also be taken where He, the Son will be going
ie. the Father's house (14:2-4; see also verses 18 and 28)
=> God wants us to be with Him!!
(Of course, I knew that already, but it's nice to be reminded!)

* by reminding us about all that Jesus said & taught
- through the Spirit sent to us,
who is with believers like us & lives in us, a teacher & Counselor
(I am informed that this last word in Greek is 'paraclete';
ch.14, verses 17, 20 and 26)

* for His own glory,
by doing what we ask for His glory in Jesus' name

How can we know God?
Because He has made it possible.
So many times John appears to have highlighted God's actions, God's initiation of the relationship between Him and us. Which is, as far as I can see, an essential part of the big-picture of the Bible.

from Colin Buchanan song based on JOHN 14:6}


Having tackled what these chapters seem to be saying about knowing God, we gallop on into the land of reflection..
..regarding what it means (here) to know what God wants for us; to know what God's will is. Both now, in things quotidienne, & in the future..?

God the Son (ie. Jesus), in the way He relates to His disciples, seems to draw out a number of things that He desires & intends for them:

1. He wants them to do as He has done for them
- serving each other even if it means lowly/humble tasks
(such as footwashing was, back in the apostles' days, 13:15)
- doing what He did
(that is, what Jesus did right throughout John's account,
seeking the glory of God, & drawing people to a saving knowledge of Himself through faith in Him - 14:12)

2. He wants them to believe & accept His words, all He says to them
(13:19 and 14:10-11)
- & also, that they accept anyone He sends
(13:20, inferred in 14:17)

3. He wants them to show the same love for one another
as He did for them,
as disciples of Him;
- & He wants their love for Him to be shown in their obedience to His commands/words
(13:34-35, as well as verses 15, 21 and 23 of ch.14)

4. He wants for them to trust Him,
not to be troubled or afraid but to have peace
(ch.14, verses 1 and 27)

This is all pretty straightforward.

But one question - which I don't ask often enough aloud (or even silently in my own head, day by day):
How am I going with these things? .. ie. these 4 points?

That said, if you are a Christian sister or brother of mine, how are YOU going with such things?


Leçons apprises d'une classe de danse

(selon le ballet classique)

I had one of those mini-epiphanies in ballet class last week.

Our ballet teacher, in her youth ("long before your time, darling"), was a former coryphée with the London Festival Ballet/English National Ballet. In the last fortnight we had one of those days where she wanted us to concentrate more on technique and less on falling over.

The class was a daytime Elementary-level ballet class. She was asking some of us to have our feet less parallel (=opposite of "turned-out") than we normally do, while executing a slow developpé^.

Technically, a developpé is hard to do without losing your balance or just keeling over. Because we don't want to embarrass ourselves in this way, some of us tend to execute developpés with our feet too turned-in, that is, parallel.

But our teacher said, in essence:
Don't worry if you fall over. It's better if you're doing the exercise correctly.
As long as you're trying, I see it. I notice your efforts to improve, & it's really only my approval that matters, because you're all different & have trained for different periods of time.
Don't worry about what anybody else in the class is going to think of you. They've all got their own issues or things to work on.

Sometimes I think ballet class can be a bit of a metaphor for corporate Christian life.

I say this because, very often, we can worry about how our fellow Christians see us. Esp. if we come across as weak or ungodly in a specific area. Just like I feel sometimes in the Elementary and Intermediate classes, we are self-conscious that others might be watching us, judging us, comparing us to themselves. We are afraid to be honest if we think it won't look that good to someone else nearby. Or worse, that someone may misunderstand & misinterpret what we do. Or say.

Even though what matters most is *not* the approval of our fellow learners, but that of our Teacher.

Perhaps we shouldn't worry so much about how other Christians see us.
As long as we're trying in dependence on the Spirit of Him who dwells in us, He sees it.
He notices our efforts by His Spirit to improve, & it's really only His approval that matters, because we've all been believers for different periods of time..have different backgrounds..different struggles & trials..different experiences.
Perhaps we shouldn't worry about what anybody else running the Christian race with us is going to think of us. They've all got their own issues or things to work on.

"For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God?
Or am I trying to please man?
If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.
GAL. 1:10


What a "developpé is"
- NON-BALLETOMANES stop reading now (unless you want to die of boredom)

Stand on two feet, draw one foot up the shin (bending the knee of the leg attached to the foot you are using), then unfold the leg/fully straighten the knee at hip/waist height.

(See this example of a developpé done by a genuine ballerina. The 0:05 mark - she does 4 of them, each with a different partner.)

{EDIT - 14/12/2010: My ballet friends!
And our teacher on the far R.}

Apart from our teacher, from L-R you can see: Midori, Maria, Phyllis, [yours truly] and Vivian.

Photograph courtesy of my friend Emma.


11 April, 2010

Le fils de Zébédée - encore

I have this mad but not impossible plan to complete my John studies before I go back to work - start date between 19th and 27th April.

At last count, I was re-reading chapters 11-12 of John's gospel account.

Some themes common to my study so far are as follows.

BELIEF (knowing God)
Once again, it seems that God the Son wants people to believe in Him
(idea of trusting Him or putting faith in Him included here)
~ ch.11:
25, 26 & 27

~ ch.12:
36, 37 & 38

As for knowing God
- well, God is the One who has acted first
(He's taken the initiative to seek our knowledge of Him)

~ ch.11
sending Himself (as the Son, Jesus)

..see also:

~ ch.12

..as the One who DRAWS people to Himself
~ ch.12
(nice link to ch.6, v.44)

And we can know Him
through His WORD
~ ch.11
v.26-27 (believing the Word of God, ie. Jesus)

~ ch.12
47-48 (accepting/keeping Jesus' words)
49-50 (since God the Son speaks what words/commands the Father gives Him)


Knowing what God wills/wants:
A desire for His own glory
~ ch.11

~ ch.12

..In addition to His people desiring His glory/praise above that of any [hu]man
~ ch.12

..& of course, knowing what God wants for His people is entailed in

* a willingness to go with Him, even the road to Jerusalem (where certain death awaits) - 11 v.16

** bearing fruit for His glory - 12 v.24

*** serving Jesus by following Him - & even hating life in this world - 12 v.25-26

**** walking in Him (ie. in the light) - 12 v.35-36

***** hearing, keeping & accepting His words - ibid., v.47-48

Knowing God & what He wants seems really so clear-cut & straightforward, according to John Zebedee.

It all seems to boil down to knowing Jesus by His words, & seeking God's glory.

Or so I conclude so far..!
