14 January, 2011

10 ans après: Réponses aux prières

It was nearly 10 years ago that I began adding students I taught to my prayer-list.

Back in 2001, on a practicum teaching block of time with a Year 4 class - an experience I enjoyed so much that it was impossible not to pray for the children - especially the majority of unsaved ones, mainly from unchurched families.

And as time went on & I moved from school to school, so were added to the number yearly those who were not yet saved (or those whom, as children, may/not have made a commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ at the time).

Prayer points for former students included:

* that God would place people/circumstances in their lives to challenge them with the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ - & that He would show them mercy, turning their hearts to repentance & faith in Him

[Christian families]
* that any faith they had in God might be proved genuine & that if calling Christ their Lord & Saviour, they would continue to walk with Him..

* that for those students whom God called to be His, He would also raise them up to be leaders of His people..

Such little prayers..
..prayed by a little shepherdess with little fitness for much other ministry..

There were times in more recent years where I wondered, should I keep these children on my prayer list? (..or should I give up..?)


But this week I went, for the 3rd time in three years, to NSW Summer School
- a week-long conference run by the Church Missionary Society.
A conference full of mission reports from the harvest field of the world; full of prayer and praise and expository preaching from the Bible and..well, more prayer.

At that conference were at least 2 answers to my own personal prayers;
two former students, children I had taught who are now little brothers in the Lord.

One from an unchurched family background; one from a Christian family.
Both professing faith in Christ.
Both serving on the teams of leaders for the youth/children's programme
- helping teach a new generation of children about Christ & the call to follow Him.

Who could have imagined this?
What kindness, goodness and faithfulness - & all totally undeserved.

Père céleste - merci!
Que Tu, qui as commencé en eux cette bonne oeuvre, la rendras parfaite pour le jour de Jésus Christ!!

(PHIL. 1,6)


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