01 January, 2013

0 regrets (je ne regrette rien)

un regret = chagrin, déception causée par la perte d'un bien ou la non-réalisation d'un projet

One French definition of regret, as expressed above, is: "chagrin, deception caused by the loss of a good, or the non-realisation [non-fulfillment] of a project".

It is 2013.
10 years have passed since I began professional work.
There are some who would look back on my life since 2002
and who would say things pertinent to work would have been better
if I had made different choices.
But I have no regrets. Zero.
None at all.

I am happier than I was 10 years ago,
more satisfied in God than I was 10 years ago,
more confirmed in where(ever) I am going than ever I was 10 years ago.

Happy New Year.
Y'varechacha Adonai v'yishmerecha / que Dieu vous bénisse! / NUM. 6:24ff.
