20 January, 2011

3 jours (au lieu de 5)

I would really value your prayers that God might provide me with a job of up to 3 days per week.

NOT a full-time job (5 days/week, 1.0 load); I do not wish to be totally monopolised by work - & I know this WILL happen if I go back to full-time employment.

I would see a part-time one (ideally 0.6 load) as being least inconvenient in what I want to do with my life long-term.

So, a PART-TIME job prayer request.

Would you please pray about this with me?


14 January, 2011

10 ans après: Réponses aux prières

It was nearly 10 years ago that I began adding students I taught to my prayer-list.

Back in 2001, on a practicum teaching block of time with a Year 4 class - an experience I enjoyed so much that it was impossible not to pray for the children - especially the majority of unsaved ones, mainly from unchurched families.

And as time went on & I moved from school to school, so were added to the number yearly those who were not yet saved (or those whom, as children, may/not have made a commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ at the time).

Prayer points for former students included:

* that God would place people/circumstances in their lives to challenge them with the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ - & that He would show them mercy, turning their hearts to repentance & faith in Him

[Christian families]
* that any faith they had in God might be proved genuine & that if calling Christ their Lord & Saviour, they would continue to walk with Him..

* that for those students whom God called to be His, He would also raise them up to be leaders of His people..

Such little prayers..
..prayed by a little shepherdess with little fitness for much other ministry..

There were times in more recent years where I wondered, should I keep these children on my prayer list? (..or should I give up..?)


But this week I went, for the 3rd time in three years, to NSW Summer School
- a week-long conference run by the Church Missionary Society.
A conference full of mission reports from the harvest field of the world; full of prayer and praise and expository preaching from the Bible and..well, more prayer.

At that conference were at least 2 answers to my own personal prayers;
two former students, children I had taught who are now little brothers in the Lord.

One from an unchurched family background; one from a Christian family.
Both professing faith in Christ.
Both serving on the teams of leaders for the youth/children's programme
- helping teach a new generation of children about Christ & the call to follow Him.

Who could have imagined this?
What kindness, goodness and faithfulness - & all totally undeserved.

Père céleste - merci!
Que Tu, qui as commencé en eux cette bonne oeuvre, la rendras parfaite pour le jour de Jésus Christ!!

(PHIL. 1,6)


04 January, 2011

6 danses

One of my stated recreational interests is dance, specifically classical ballet.

In general, there are about 6 dance sequences that I'd say (off the top of my head) are great fun to watch, in terms of escape/entertainment, cleverness and/or talent:

1. Kitri's Entrance
(from the ballet DON QUIXOTE - American Ballet Theatre version)
This excerpt is outstanding, in that Cynthia Harvey (dancer in pink) is performing LIVE onstage.

Meanwhile, all other preferred dance clips referenced here are from films or miniseries & were edited in some way into their current forms.

2. Crown Inn ball dance: Emma Woodhouse & Mr (George) Knightley
(from the BBC 2009 televised version of Jane Austen's novel EMMA)

3. "What a comforting thing to know"
(from the Cinderella-style film SLIPPER AND THE ROSE)

4. A dance/song sequence at an Amritsar party
alternate clip here)

5. "That's how you know"
(from ENCHANTED - seriously cheesy though)
=> go to 1m03 for best results

6. An opening-credits street dance
(from one of the AUSTIN POWERS films)
=> go to 1m34 for best results

Sorry if this wasn't interesting enough for you..!


02 January, 2011

43e chapitre d'ÉSAΪE

{Happy New Year.
Isn't this a lovely, suitable verse to kick-off my blog posts in 2011?)

"Remember not the former things,
nor consider the things of old.

Behold, I am doing a new thing;
now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?

I will make a way in the wilderness
and rivers in the desert.

The wild beasts will honour Me,
the jackals and the ostriches,

for I give water in the wilderness,
rivers in the desert,
to give drink to My chosen people,
the people whom I formed for Myself
that they might declare My praise."

ISAIAH chapter 43,
verses 18-21.


Père céleste, que Tu fasse cela pour moi aussi!?
..que des eaux dans le désert soient mises, et des fleuves dans la solitude..
- Toi, qui m'a choisi,
afin que je puisses annoncer Tes louanges aux incrédules!

Toutefois, que ma volonté ne se fasse pas, mais la Tienne (LUC 22,42).
