21 March, 2010

Retour: Plus du fils de Zébédée

While I may have been publicly quiet about the gospel of John the apostle
- owing to lots of casual/supply Music teaching & accompanist work -
I have continued my personal quest for answers to my original ponderings..

..How to know God?.. (..and..)

..How to know what He wants/wills for us?..

JEAN ch. 9 et 10

Once again, John seems to be saying that we can only know God because HE wanted it, & acted to bring it about..

e.g. through Jesus, the One whom He sent to show & tell us about Himself (ch.9, verses 4 and 33; also ch.10, verses 25, 32 and 36)

e.g. because He came to find us
(ch.9, verse 35;
..ALSO, have a look at Luke's recorded parables of the lost sheep & lost coin..)

e.g. like a shepherd who gives life/cares for, knows & brings out His sheep
(ch.10, verses 2, 10-11 & 28, 13-14 & 27 as well as verse 16).

And for us to know God, just as it was in previous Johannine chapters, it's about believing in Jesus, & believing what He tells us
(ch.9, verses 35-38; then ch.10, verses 25-26, 37-38 and 42).

Knowing what He wants here, is about listening to Jesus' words/voice & to those who testify about Him
(ie. as recorded in Scripture;
see ch. 9, verse 27, where the man born blind talks to the Pharisaic Jews..
and ch.10, verses 40-41, as people across the river Jordan recall what John the Baptist said about Jesus - "all that John said about this man was true";..
..from verses 3 & 8, 16, 20 and 27 of ch. 10, the importance of listening to God seems evident..
..& once again - like a broken record, or a damaged compact disc in an old CD player - I note that my friend John the son of Zebedee has mentioned this many times in the preceding chapters of the gospel God led him to write).

As above, so below?


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