22 August, 2010

1 sujet de prière

Who will join me in praying for the people of Mexico?

Compared with them, we in Australia have it easy (even if we have a government or leaders we personally did not vote for).


15 August, 2010

2 "pères"

This post is sacred to the memory of 2 men of my father's generation:

Robert Yap
Howard Wong-See

In 1989 my parents' marriage was destroyed by revelations of unwise conduct on my father's part (adultery resulting in an illegitimate child).

Over the 14 years that followed, Robert Yap & his wife Doreen showed a level of kindness to my mother unrivalled by most. And a loyalty which withstood my mother's decision to remarry in 2003 - even when many other friends who moved in the same circles refused to support her.

*wiping away tears*

I had known the Yap family since my early years; there is a photo of my twin & I with Robert's eldest daughter on Balmoral Beach when the 3 of us were all still in nappies. We continued friendship with this daughter in upper primary Sunday-school, then high school youth group, then university-aged fellowship. In fact, I had the privilege & blessing of doing Bible-study with both of Robert's daughters.

At one time Robert shared office space with my father (prior to dad's marriage-devastating actions). Even after my mother chose to discontinue attending our church, I never saw "auntie" Doreen without her asking me, "How is your mum?"

I also grew up with Howard's eldest daughter; we did our HSCs in the same year, & even before that (as with Robert's daughter) we had been through Sunday School, youthgroup & uni.-aged fellowship together. I then spent 2 years in a Bible-study group with the younger of his two sons.

Howard was a good friend of my now-stepfather, & like Robert Yap, maintained contact with him and my mother after they married in 2003.

The title of this post translates as "2 fathers". And that is what these men were, in a sense, to me. You see, Chinese-backrgound community can be quite close-knit; & both these men, committed Christians, were like second fathers to me in the years after my parents' marriage break-up.

When I heard that Howard had died so suddenly - when I knew that it was only a matter of time for Robert - all I could recall was my last conversation with them, together with their wives. I was able, that last time, to share news with them that I could not say to my "real" fathers at the time (biological & step-). And they listened carefully, & were supportive, & understanding - and, as always, kind.

Yes, I knew them as "uncles", and I honour them here as "fathers".

They are now before the throne of God above, free now from death, mourning, crying & pain
- but I grieve with their families still living,
and I will sincerely miss them both.

Uncle Robert & Uncle Howard:
I dedicate this to you.


14 August, 2010

109 "fils"

In 2005, at this very same time, I was trying my hand at secondary-school teaching.

I had been offered a couple of weeks' work, trialling a Religious Studies and Personal Development job at an Anglican school in the eastern suburbs. Boys only - 5 classes of Year Sevens, 2 classes of Year Nines, 2 classes of Year Tens.

No other work was forthcoming, so I took the job.

I had 109 Year Sevens all up, who struck me (at the time) as being quite emotionally needy. So, after the 2 weeks when 3 of my colleagues - the Chaplain, Head of Religious Studies & Head of Senior School - asked me if I was willing to stay longer, I agreed.

I stayed another 7 weeks until the end of Term 3 2005, for these Y7s - for the sake of 109 children whom (in spite of their good days, bad days, sane days & mad days) I came to think of rather as my sons.

Today I paid these former students one last official visit. They're now about to do their HSC exams (& looking forward to leaving a school that some of them have attended for 13 years - AND possibly looking forward to having GIRLS in their classes!!); it was good to see that so many of them are alive & well - even if, as boys, they said very little.

It was also good to see my former colleagues at this school, who always welcomed my visits to athletics events (such as today's one) or to music concerts.

At the same time it was also quite sad for me; saying goodbye & good luck can be, when you care. (And I cared - much more than I needed to.) As a group my 109 were one of the nicest sets of kids I've ever taught (when I taught them). I haven't taught them since 2005, and in many ways we've all moved on..
..but this goodbye is more poignant than most.

And my heart's desire, and prayer for them (as it has been for the last 5.5 years), is that they may be saved.

(ROMANS 10:1)

