27 January, 2010

"Te connaître, Jésus" (Dieu le Père/Fils/Saint-Esprit)

Having spent a few months getting to know the God-inspired writings of the apostle Matthew (Levi) son of Alphaeus, I've decided to do the same concerning another of the Twelve.

His name is John son of Zebedee and, like Matthew, his witness to Jesus in the gospels is by no means new to me.

However, I've decided to spend more time looking into John's account of Jesus this year because I feel that through the gospel he wrote, God may show me what I think it crucial to know..

1. How can God's people know Him (better)?
2. How can God's people know what He wants for them (e.g. guidance in life & witness)?

I'm not just doing this for me; the whole idea for this study was triggered by a discussion I had with my twin sister. So it's for her, too.

From time to time I hope that my scribbled ideas from what I'm reading will find their way into blog posts here. I've just finished looking over the first 3 chapters of John's gospel, so hopefully won't be long in getting back here to share my findings.


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