26 June, 2009

Au revoir, ou adieu?

5 minutes to boarding time (God bless Optus for free internet at the gate!!).

There are two ways of saying goodbye: one is like "see you again", the other is if you don't (it means "to God").

As only God knows for sure whether I'll return (or like those French/Brazilians/others, go down in the ocean in my A330 Airbus), I have used both forms.. .. ..just in case! Because I am not so arrogant as to assume that I will definitely return. And nor should you be.

That being said, PHILIPPIANS 1:13.



  1. I was @ check in at jetstar this afternoon!! To bad I didn't see you.
    Praying for a safe trip and may God be with you.

  2. Hey T, this is the sistren posting from home on a Sunday afternoon. Mum just called and wanted to know if you'd updated.

    Where the bloody hell are you?? (ie. Don't forget to feed the parental concern!)
