28 September, 2009

JESUS All About Life


Dearest Sydneysiding sisters and brothers,

Just a couple of tips about what you might want to try saying when attempting to invite friends to October outreach, during the Jesus All About Life campaign. We tried these during Paris mission, and God was gracious in opening doors for us, so in Sydney.. .. ..well, you never know until you try!

"What have you heard (OR, what do you think) about Jesus?"
(If they're interested in talking longer, go on to share your own knowledge of Jesus - from the Bible; it's good to make sure it's not just your opinion of Jesus!!)

A related question:
"Would you mind if I shared with you what Jesus means to me?"
(If they don't mind, have a go at sharing your testimony - the difference you see Jesus making in your life.)

Oh, and here's a short-form answer God allowed me to use in Paris:
"Jesus is my LORD and my SAVIOUR. Because of Him I have HOPE for life now and the future as well. I am acceptable to GOD, not because of anything I have done to deserve this - but because He loved this world and sent Jesus to die for it (including me!) I can live God's way, and do what is right, because Jesus is my LORD and He helps me by His Spirit to do what pleases Him.."

I could go on and on, but I did say "short-form", didn't I??!?

Something to get you started, anyhow. Oh, and that's not a complete testimony summary, by the way.. .. ..just an example.


Give it a go, and whether or not it works - let me know!

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